A quick look at serverless systems: AWS Lambda

Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
2 min readApr 15, 2022

AWS Lambda is one of the first services that comes to mind when we say serverless. In serverless services, we only write the code we want to run and make the necessary resource settings. We do not have to deal with settings such as which server our code is running on, so we do not need settings such as administration or maintenance, security. Pricing takes place during the runtime of our code. Lambda service offers 1 million free requests every month.

Lambda service runs our codes in containers. We just need to upload our packaged code to the Lambda service. Lambda service, which can be easily scaled according to all kinds of service intensity, can easily meet millions of requests. For example, our Lambda service, which meets the demands of a mobile application, will have met all the requests without any problems with the increasing user density that day.

Lambda supports Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python, and Ruby. We can write Lambda services using these languages. By making our service more secure with IAM roles, we can define the AWS services it will communicate with. In this way, we can restrict access to a Lambda function Payment database that performs user registration.

With Lambda, payment is made as much as the running time of our code. In this way, millions of requests can come at a very low cost.



Mehmet Altuğ Akgül

Electrical and Electronics & Cloud Product Manager • MBA • Trader • Investor • Lifelong Learner • ✉ info@altug.dev